• The Barrel Thief (map)
  • 3417 Evanston Ave N
  • Seattle, WA 98103

We're goin for 4! Join us for the 4th annual WHEN 1+1=1 book event atThe Barrel Thief!

World traveling author and tango connection teacher, Gabriela Condrea speaks on tango as a metaphor for connection in our daily lives. Book signing, mini tango lesson, raffle and special edition of The Barrel Thief's Wheel of Whiskey Fortune, followed by a milonga (social tango dance)! 

That's a lot of fun packed into one night! Don't miss it!

Sunday, Jan 17th ~ 6:30pm

* Theme: Something Blue... If you feel so inspired, we wouldn't mind if you do, come wearing something Blue. *

--------- books, whiskey, tango! ---------------------------

* books *
WHEN 1+1=1 ~ GabrielaCondrea.com/book

* whiskey *
THE BARREL THIEF - Wheel of Whiskey Fortune

* tango *
lesson: Tango is about the Connection by Gabriela Condrea

dance: Milonga de la Roquette ~ 
The Barrel Thief's 1st & 3rd Sunday Milonga (social tango dance) -- and you can just watch, too! 
-- $5 to dance, FREE to watch --